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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Norton1 BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions? (126* d) RE: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions? 21 Mar 03

"What a bunch of babies the warriors of America are!" Read the below e-mail for how much of a baby our "Warriors" really are. This is from my daughter who has survived artillery fire two days ago and this message about the rocket attacks she endured yesterday. Get clear on your speech - And I may have gone under arrest - but you'd still be shy a chunk of your persona - the nose you stuck where it didn't belong. Whiney little no nothing on this issue - a simple apology would have sufficed.

Troll - Roger that Brother - and he really isn't bothering me - I'm just not going to let my children come home to idiots that I came home to. There will be a major scrap if it occurs - and jail is not a deterent.

Semper Fi Brother

Hi Loved Ones,

Well as you have seen on TV it has been a really rough day for us here. Yes I am right in the middle of it near Kuwait City. Today when the alert went off I ran outside while putting on my gear at mach 10. I heard a noise in the sky and I looked up to see two of our Missiles going to attack the Missile from Iraq headed our way. Thank God they took it out before it got to us. Its amazing I am not really stressed out. When I am in the bunkers with 60 LBS of gear on I start to really think about the value of my life and how much I want to live it.

I think what kept me calm is helping the soldiers out that were doing things the wrong way, not putting their gear on right ect. I could see the fear in a lot of the younger soldiers and it is my job to show them all is alright. Under attack I'm sitting there in the bunker cracking jokes about how they should give me some C-4, a big gun, and a truck and send me up to Bagdag to take out Saddam.

Nothing worse than the wrath of a pissed off, tired, haven't showered in 3 days woman who has a huge attitude. It cracked everyone up. The second and third alert freaked me out. I felt as if we were going to be in this gear for life, tell you the truth I am scared to death to get out of it. I really never thought I would be so close to being in harms way. I am a chic, an intel analyst. But I guess I should have realized that Missiles go a long way and they always target the logistics.

I am keeping my head up, and have lots of hope to come home. I really thought today was it when the artillery boomed and I heard and saw missiles screaching across the sky. I don't think I have been that scared since I was a kid and afraid of the boogy man in my closet. We will have internet to the end, so stay in touch. Pray we don't get hit with any chemical. I don't know if I can handle being constricted for 24-48 hours with no food or bathroom ability. Just water through a drinking tube in my mask. I am definetly done with the military. I am serving my time to have my freedom and to keep things free and safe for our families. Now it is time for me to have my freedom and not have to worry if I am going to live or die through what ever it is we face.

Don't take that as a scary thing, but try to imagine being in my shoes right now. If you've never been in the military I don't think you can understand. So just love me a lot and write.

Love Danielle
US Army somewhere in Iraq/Kuwait

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