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Hester Who best represents English music? (86* d) RE: Paul Weller & Canadian "English" music 07 Apr 03

Peg wrote:

>>>And Paul Weller! A college friend turned me on to The Jam; then I even liked The Style Council! I saw him in concert about five years ago; very 70s retro and soulful rock souding; he will always be a great performer!<<<

Hi, Peg:

I saw Paul Weller perform here just a couple months ago, and he is in absolutely top form! If you get a chance to see him again, it would be well worth it. He's currently performing material from his entire career, and he "borrowed" the main half of Ocean Colour Scene for his back-up band. They absolutely rocked the house for a full 2 1/2 hr set. I was completely infatuated with Paul Weller as a teenager in the late 70s, and now I've fallen for him again. Strange how sexy silver hair looks to me these days. If you don't get a chance to see him in concert, the new album "Illumination" is brilliant, with some very folky/pastoral pieces.

And John wrote:

>>>In my immediate area of Canada, unfortunately the blame [for English music] rests on myself, my wife and a friend of ours.<<<

Hi, John:

Do you play in the Toronto area?

One of my favourite local English folkies (with Irish roots as well) is October Browne .

Cheers Hester
[Yowza: the wind's so strong today it's making the house creak like I've got burglers or ghosts in the attic!]

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