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Hester Folk Pubs in England (69* d) RE: Folk Pubs in England 07 Apr 03

Hi, Bradfordonian:

I'll certainly be going to Robin Hood country. Robin lore is a main theme of my trip: from Kingston-upon-Thames (a major centre for the 16th century May Games) to Aberdeen (where Robin & Little John presided at civic festivities on Sundays in May), with Rockingham, Sherwood & Barnesdale forests along the way!

And I won't be ignoring the Yorkshire connection, either! I hope to visit Robin's putative grave at Kirklees, very close to Bradford.

In fact, Bradford's on the list, for family reasons. My grandmother was born there in 1891, and worked in the local woollen mills from the age of 12 until 17, when she immigrated with her family to Canada, to work in the textile mills here.

Anyone know any songs from the Yorkshire textile mills, in her honour? I've been listening to Anne Briggs' "The Doffing Mistress", and it's quite jolly.

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