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Hester Folk Pubs in England (69* d) RE: Folk Pubs in England 07 Apr 03

Sorry, fumble-fingers here hit "enter" accidentally before I'd actually finished my last post.

Bradfordonian: I couldn't get your first link to work. Drat! I'd really like to know more about the Robin Hood folk club!

Les from Hull: Nice to know there may be some festivals happening in May. However, I don't expect to get to Whitby until mid-May.

Oh, and since we're on the topic of Robin Hood, I might as well take the opportunity to promote my discussion group, "The Greenwood"
, where we deal with every possible aspect of the RH legend, from the medieval ballads to modern pop culture versions, plus related British history, lore, and calendar customs.

Cheers, Hester

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