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BUTTERFLY Jamboree: Oat Cakes? (57* d) RE: Jamboree: Oat Cakes? 08 Apr 03

The last verse of song called "Hop High Ladies" (which is more or less to the tune of "Miss Macleod's Reel" ) on an double vinyl album by "The Holy Modal Rounders" called I think "Rounders on Rounder", ie on "Rounder Records" seems to go like this:

Hop high Ladies get your oatcakes done
Hop high Ladies get your oatcakes done
Hop high Ladies get your oatcakes done
If you don't get them done you'll never have any fun

I must admit at times it sounded like "get your old skates on" (get your skates on is another modern way of saying "Hurry up"). I suppose the innocent (and possibly correct) explanation is that the ladies should finish their household chores such as cooking before going out to the dance/hop, but perhaps there is a hidden meaning.

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