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Hester Folk Pubs in England (69* d) Manchester / Robin Hood's Bay 08 Apr 03

Pied Piper wrote:

>>>Not visiting Manchester hey? Well then, I shan't tell you that we have sessions ever night and more than one on some days, or that there are lots of folk clubs that you can find out about here
So there. PP <<<

Hi, Pied Piper:

My husband's pushing for a side trip to Jodrel Banks Observatory, so we may get to Manchester yet. Thanks for all the info.

and Raggytash wrote:

>>>The links between Robin Hood and the bay are tentative to say the least and thats being generous!<<<

True, but it's such a dramatically pretty spot, I couldn't miss it! And the local legend regarding its founding is pretty terrific. And with one of the later ballads telling the story of Robin trying his hand at fishing out of Scarborough, it's not too far a stretch to see how a nearby fishing village might acquire his name.

Cheers, Hester

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