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Beccy David Horowitz on militant Islam (27) RE: David Horowitz on militant Islam 08 Apr 03

I see he footnotes the story of his friend (I believe her name was Betty Van Patter) in the article. I read "Radical Son" an found it to be a riveting political auto-biography. Horowitz, like many uber-passionate people, admits that he was more than difficult to live with. All the same, to paraphrase, that candle that burns the hottest extinquishes the fastest- and like him or not, Horowitz is a genius.

I heartily recommend "Radical Son" to anyone who wants to see the metamorphosis from radical "red diaper baby" (his words) to outspoken conservative.

One of the most interesting parts of the book was the treatment he received from former "friends" and compatriots when he realized that he was changing his opinions in several areas.


P.S. Sorry for the thread creep- but it's really worth the read!

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