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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Beccy BS: The statue took a nose dive (literally!) (98* d) BS: The statue took a nose dive (literally!) 09 Apr 03

Did you all see the scene of the group of Iraqis beating on the statue in the square in the center of Baghdad? I wish I knew what the man who kept hitting it with a sledgehammer was saying. He turned and yelled something toward the journalists every single time he hit the base of the statue.

According to the Washington Post (linked to through Drudge), the man is a Baghdad Imam. I'd love to read more about him.

What do you think of the jubilation of those present when the Marines helped them by using a steel rope and a tank to pull it down?

Have you all heard the difference in the reports of those journalists who up until now had to vet their reports through Iraqi government handlers?

This is truly amazing stuff. What do you think?


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