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Don Meixner Folkies vs Singer/Songwriters (89* d) RE: Folkies vs Singer/Songwriters 07 Jul 99

Well I guess my feet are firmly planted on both sides of this issue. There are singers, song writers and singer/songwriters. We need all three. Who is the best somgwrter I've heard lately? Iris Dement without question. Her vocal style takes some effort but she is not the worst singer out there. Who is the best singer out there, Can't say, too many genres to cover.

I'm with Art here, I go to listen to someone perform. I am entertained or I am not. But I try to hear many kinds of music when I can. I play in an Irish band but if I could go to hear anyone I could pick right now I'd choose Grant Rogers. He was an underappreciated jewel in the Catskills bur he had what I would call the best parts of the Singer, songwriter, singer/songwriter mix.


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