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Hester BS: Fragrant Home (32) RE: BS: Fragrant Home 14 Apr 03

I have one of those essential oil burners, in which you float some e.o in water, heated by a tealight candle. It diffuses the scent through the house very nicely, but you do have to keep your eye on it to make sure it doesn't go dry. These burners are great for ritual too, since they combine all 4 elements: made of clay or metal (earth), with a candle (fire), filled with water, and essential oil (air).

Another way to get the e.o. scents through the house is to put a couple drops on the vaccuum cleaner bag, or on a tissue tucked next to the vaccuum exhaust (not that I vaccuum very often). My favourite combination to make the house smell clean is rosemary and bergamot, which should bring vibes of "love and happiness" too.

I also roll my own beeswax candles from 'honeycombed' sheets. I find that rubbing a little e.o. on the inside surface of the sheet before rolling works to good effect, although the wax also smells nice all on its own.

I have tried putting my own dried herbs from the garden on one of those charcoal blocks, but the result was way too smoky for use indoors. Nice effect for outdoor ritual though.

Cheers, Hester

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