Hi, Janie: Until you can sing your own songs again, perhaps you might take comfort from listening to songs about other people who have lost their beloved dogs, such as Anne Brigg's "I Thought I Saw You Again" or Edie Brickell's "Ghost of a Dog": Ghost of a Dog how can that dog be barkin' in the backyard? we ran over him years ago how can that dog be runnin' by the back fence? we ran over him years ago ghost of a dog barkin' in the backyard how can that dog be scratchin' at the back door? we ran over him years ago how can that dog be lying under that shady tree where we buried him years ago? ghost of a dog flyin' through the back yard Hope your pup's spirit is running free, just like the ones in these two songs. Best wishes on your recovery. Cheers, Hester