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Hester St George's Day (68* d) 'Befuddled' is a RACIST 25 Apr 03

News flash, Befuddled:

Rationalize all you like. You're still a racist, wanting to reserve British citizenship for whites only, and blaming your country's intrinsic political and social problems on "non-European" immigrants.

You're disgusting! You're a disgrace to Mudcat (thankfully you're only a guest, not a member), you're a disgrace to the folk music movement, and you're a disgrace to your country.

I live in the world's most culturally diverse city: Toronto. And guess what, British folklore traditions such as Morris dancing are alive and well here -- as are festive traditions from all over the world. Culture is not an "either/or" proposition. Rather than blaming immigrants for "swamping" your culture traditions, perhaps you should look instead to the apathy of the British people themselves.

Immigration did not extinguish the St. George' Day parades. England's own religious Reformation accomplished that, hundreds of years prior to any "non-European" migration to your country.


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