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Hester Folklore: Happy Hocktide (11) RE: Folklore: Happy Hocktide 28 Apr 03

Thanks for the great info, Mario & Masato!

And hi, Giac:

The timing of Hocktide seems to have varied locally. Other sources I've come across state that it was sometimes celebrated ON Easter Monday and the subsequent Tuesday.

Also, most sources ambiguously say that it was the second Monday and Tuesday after Easter. If we assume "Easter" means specifically Easter Sunday, then the first Monday afterward would be Easter Monday, and the second Monday would be today. But if we assume "Easter" includes the entire 4 days from Good Friday to Easter Monday, then the first Monday afterward would be today, and Hocktide would be next week.

Just don't ask me how to calculate when Easter occurs in the first place!

Cheers, Hester

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