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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
phinque We come From the Mtns (Hand Gestures?) (5) We come From the Mtns (Hand Gestures?) 04 May 03

Part of the version I have (with gestures) follows. Anyone know what "Cha, Cha, Cha, Cha!" is in the chorus?

We Come From the Mountains

(actions in brackets)

We come from the mountains (make a peak with your hands)
We come from the mountains (make a peak with your hands)
Go back to the mountains (take your thumbs, and point backwards,
then make peak)
And turn the world around (roll your hands in a circle)


Weeeee come (cha cha cha cha!)
From the mountains (make a peak with hands)
Go back to the mountains (same hand motions, as in previous
And turn the world around. (same hand motion)

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