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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Beccy BS: Clinton wants to change 22nd Amendment (53* d) RE: BS: Clinton wants to change 22nd Amendment 29 May 03

I think the real point here is that Clinton has lost all vestiges of subtlety and has really told us what he wants. He wants the admiration of EVERY person in America and he wants to be President-For-Life. Whoever suggested Clinton as governor of NY and Hillary as prez has the distinct honour of having made my skin crawl. As my 5 year old would say, "Yuck. Yuck. Double Yuck."

Someone suggested that the country ran well prior to the 22nd amendment. Sure it did! It ran great until some egomaniac who thought the country couldn't do without his stellar "leadership" decided to run and run and run and run. Since someone had already broken that unwritten rule, they realized they had to write it. It's one of those moments you can't take back in history.


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