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BUTTERFLY Tune Req: Fiddler's Green (midi) (27) RE: FIDDLERS GREEN - MIDI WANTED 12 Jun 03

Some of us (especially people on a low wage such as myself) can't afford to buy a whole CD just because we like one song by a particular artist, though one might just remember the name and possibly buy something by them later, but not if some self-righteous prats tell me to buy something, not "nick it"! If someone wants to put a MIDI on the Internet then this is surely for people to use. I suppose none of us have ever copied album tracks on to tapes, exceeded the speed limit, etc.

If someone is retired then they are retired, if they are "making a living" as a professional musician then they are not retired, regardless of age. JC may indeed be a nice fellow but that is irrelevant.

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