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Renegade Books That Most Influenced You (191* d) RE: Books That Most Influenced You 07 Jul 03

No one's mentioned "Catcher in the Rye"? I am a little surprised; maybe it's too obvious. But let's see, I read it in 1966, age of 13, and finally shook Holden's voice in my head (a running commentary) about 4 years ago. I still call a few obnoxious people "a goddam prince" every now and then. Just to keep my hand in, you know.

I read mostly American History. I would strongly recommend Bernard De Voto's trilogy on the West: Across the Wide Missouri, Year of Decision, and Course of Empire. De Voto's a novelist writing history; brings the best of both diciplines. He also wrote a very influential book on M. Twain,(circa 1932) and was the curator or editor (can't remember the title) of Twain's papers for quite a few years.

In fiction, I read Southern lit exclusively. All the short story writers, especially O'Conner and Welty. Love Faulkner's short stories, can't hang in there with the novels. My all-time favorite is Walker Percy. Those new to him should try his first, The Moviegoer. To me, Binx Bolling, the moviegoer, is Holden at 30.

Thanks for a great thread. I'm going through my home library tonight, see what I've forgotten.


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