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Beccy BS: Let's talk hair... (41) BS: Let's talk hair... 07 Jul 03

Okay folks... this may sound odd and horribly shallow, but I want to talk about hair. I've been growing mine out for a couple years- I had it lobbed off for Locks of Love 2 years ago. I am 6 months pregnant and desperately irritated with my hair. It is boring, boring, boring right now. I had toyed with the idea of doing henna- remembering what nice effects it had on my hair when I was a teen, and also remembering that it's all natural and safe for use during pregnancy. I mentioned the idea to a friend of mine who is a very competent hairdresser. She said a big negatory. She said it's considered a metallic hair dye even though it's all natural and that if I did it, I'd have to wait for it to grow out completely before having anything else, other than henna, done again (i.e. highlighting, hair-dye, semi-permanent hair color rinse, etc...)

She said if I did it, decided to do some other hair color process and didn't wait for it to grow out, that I'd risk having my hair actually smoke on my head. Now, I've not dyed my hair all over before, but I have risked highlighting once every couple years with marginal pleasure at its results. Does anyone have opinions on this?


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