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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Beccy BS: How easily are you embarrassed? (48) RE: BS: How easily are you embarrassed? 09 Jul 03

Well, let's see. Last month, while waiting for my prenatal checkup, my five year old sweetly looked at a nice lady sitting next to me and said, "Excuse me, ma'am... but why do you have a moustache?"
This was followed up by me turning full around, as I was sitting between him and her, and making sure he got a "death-look" that the poor woman couldn't see.
Fast forward 1/2 an hour...
Walking through K-Mart with my sons, my 3 year old notices a young lady wearing very tight pants walking past us. My baby boy, in his bionic whisper, said, "MOMMY- LOOK AT HER BOTTOM."

Oh boy- I never thought I was easily embarassed until I had kids.


BTW- I'd have reported it to the librarian after yanking the monitor out of the wall- chances are, if I was checking email in the library, my kids would've been in my lap.

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