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Uncle Jaque Your Favourite Hymn (150* d) RE: Favourite Hymn 13 Jul 03

From the 1860's, and still occasionally found in a pew Hymnal;

"My Jesus; I Love Thee"

"My Jesus, I love thee;
I know thou art mine.
For Thee all the fo-o-lly
of sin, I resign;
My pre-cious Re-de-ee-mer;
My Sa-a-viour art Tho-ou...
If e-ver I lo-o-ved thee;
My Je-e-sus; 'tis now!

(I'm sure its in the Digitrad; I don't seem to have a transcription of it on file).

A little tricky on the guitar, fingerpicking as I think it needs to be.
There are several bars which require a seperate chord for each note, and they move right along! Great left-hand excersize!

If anyone would like a scanning of my archival score with my guitar chord arrangement (not garr-un-teed to be all that proper, BTW - but they work 4 me), I'd be glad to send as e-mail ATT..

It would be nice with a harp and/or cello, I would think.

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