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Uncle Jaque Your Favourite Hymn (150* d) RE: Your Favourite Hymn 16 Jul 03

Thanks for all of the nifty links, Mates!

If there is anything in particular that u might b looking 4, which I might have in my collection, let me know & perhaps I can upload it to that FOTKI site for your perusal

I have a couple of indexes scanned in there just for anyone searching for an early - mid 19th Century Hymn.

I got most of these old endbounders at flea markets and Antique shops for around $1 - $5 apiece, but lately they seem to be going for around $20, and are rather "drying up".

Occasionally we find a reprint of one of them.

The most I have paid for a music book was a large black bound collection which was unmarked. I only recognized a couple of the songs, many of which are Patriotic, romantc, and secular - and they predate the Civil War. Since there seems to be no mention of the CW in the material, I figure that it dates to between 1845 and 1855.

Since it has songs from the period that I had never heard of (before or since) I shelled out $50 for it.

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