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GUEST,Paddy Lyr Req: On the Road from Aldermaston (Matt McGinn (9) Lyr Add: ON THE ROAD FROM ALDERMASTON (Matt McGinn 22 Jul 03


On the Road from Aldermaston
On an Easter Sunday morn
A hundred thousand marchers moved
In the face of jeer and scorn
From Inverness and London Town
From Pakistan and Greece
And the badge was the badge of the CND
The cause, the cause of peace

The sun rose for the morning to guide us on our way
And as we looked high on HIS SMILING NIGH (??)
These words I heard him say
For far too long I've been hidden from view
By dark and thunderous crowds
Ah, but now I can shine on this daughter of mine
With her singing, surging crowds

I'll lead you to Trafalgar
And I'll lead you further still
To a world of peace and harmony
Where none shall want to kill
Where the mother earth I've given you
Will be your pride and joy
And where none in pursuit
Of the golden gain
Will wish her to destroy

On the Road from Aldermaston
On an Easter Sunday morn
A hundred thousand marchers moved
In the face of jeer and scorn
From Inverness and London Town
From Pakistan and Greece
And the badge was the badge of the CND
The cause, the cause of peace

( Available on the Return of the Two Heided Man.. RELRECORDS )

Wi' my handcuffs and my truncheon
My whistle and my book
I'm the scurge of all the criminals
The terror of the crook
Upon my feet you'll always find a pair of size 18's
I'm the finest Glasgow Polisman that you have ever seen

I was working up in the heilans
Digging tautties, making tweed
Some whisky and some poaching
To put jam upon my breid
My cousin Donald he says to me
"Come on, we're wasting time
We'll join the Glasgow Polis force and put an end to crime"

One night when I was on my beat
Quite lonely, by mysel'
I met a Glasgow lady
She was on her beat as well
She asked me for the time
I obliged her with a snort
Although I must confess the time she asked was very short

Now the Glasgow Polis force
It is acutely short of staff
If I tell to you the reason
It will maybe make some of you laugh
Last night for breaking into shops
Up in the Gallowgate
They arrested seven criminals
One of them was my mate

They've given me another mate
He's one of the finest men
And he and me went out today upon the 2 to 10
We had scarcely left the station when he threw away his butt
He says lend me 20 Capstan, lad
Until the shops are shut

Now if ever you're in trouble
And you dial 999
And the operator tells you
You should try another line
The line to try is some of the pubs
The Scotia or the Bowers
It's there you are sure to find me lads
Especially after hours

Wi' my handcuffs and my truncheon
My whistle and my book
I'm the scurge of all the criminals
The terror of the crook
Upon my feet you'll always find a pair of size 18's
I'm the finest Glasgow Polisman that you have ever seen

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