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The Mudcat Cafesj

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Uncle Jaque China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine) (38) RE: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine 31 Jul 03

They have a "Polly" now? Last I knew the two big Macaws were "Singapore" (red) and "Saigon"(I think) - the yellowish one. Then I think they have a few smaller birds as well. I don't know what they are, particularly, but they are pretty!

Gosh, Charlie; I dunno if I have any "Dead Dog Cider" left in the cellar; it's a little out of season right now. Perhaps I can see what else we can brew up on short notice. If we can't drink it, we can boil it down & tar the riggin' with it!

Not a big attraction just yet, but let's give it a week or two before giving up on it; I notified a few of my reenacting pards who have been known to show up at our Dana St. gatherings.

Friend Gail has a Daughter who is getting pretty handy on the fiddle, and has a sweet little voice which seems to be developing nicely; I'm hoping that we might wheedle them into joining us!

Ye'know; with our "Vocal Artillery" Barry, a couple of Macaws, Charlie's banjo and a cannon or two, we ought to be able to create a racket sufficient to compensate for whatever we might lack in numbers!

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