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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Uncle Jaque August Shanty Session at the Press Room (43) RE: August Shanty Session at the Press Room 04 Aug 03

I posted in the Civil War / Irish immigrant Thread running concurrently with this one:

Irish ACW / Immigrant Music Thread

...letting the participants therein know about this relevant topic and suggesting that we take the discussion of US Navy Ships in the Irish Relief operations of the 1840's over there, where some very interesting feedback has already come in.

Charlie - You're right, Sir; HAMILTON Marine it is!
I didn't get down today; was just getting going on construction of the epic "Uncle Jaque Memorial Pavillion" out in the driveway, and down came the rain, so I had to wing the blue tarp over it (the roof yet awaiting final development) and retreat indoors to check the E-mail. The next thing I know, it's 3PM! I did manage to get to the Dump, however, and score some decent 2X4's (or they will be after I pull a few pounds of nails out of them) and a whole sheet of 1/2" plywood some Citizen had thrown away (there were 2, but I only got one stuffed into "Old Red" as they were trying to close the dump). Not only that but I got a chunk of plywood just the right dimentions for the front of the "settee"; It's a little dinged up from where they stuffed it down into the dumpster with the bucket-loader, but I won't have to cut it or nuthin', jus' nail 'er up!
The top piece I will be a little more fussy over; splinters, you know.

I'm making my monumental edifice in modular form so we can bring it up to camp in sections and put it together over the hole like an oversized legg0-toy, and all screwed together (if not up) so it can be dismantlificated when and if we ever get running water and indoor plumbing up there - which frankly, I can wait for. I like things a little backwards and sorta old-fashioned, ye know.

Gosh; if I get it assemblified and constructicated in time for the Gray Chanty Hoot on the 16th, we might want to erecticate it somewhere on the BUNKER/BONDROFF Ranch to provide some relief to their indoor facilities. I reckon a bunch of Mudcatters would break 'er in real good, don't ye suppose?

Of course we'd need a pretty fair hole in the ground over which to perch said edifice, and acquire the good graces (or successfully elude detection by) the Local Authorities / Zoning Board / EPA etc. who tend to get a little fussy about such things these days.

Shucks; if my theory works, we can have it dismantled, back in the truck, and outta town before the sun comes up the next Mornin'.
Any Volunteers to cover the hole back up and camoflage the site?

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