Thanks for the copyright info--I like to give credit and also to talk about where songs came from, and Dona is very interesting. I've gone back in the thread and gotten the original author and composer. And I see that the English translation copyright is held by Mills Music for Kevess and Schwartz. The reason I was interested in the first place is because of ASCAP. ASCAP collects royalties on a percentage of playage basis, I think, and ocassionally they come around to venues and insist on a yearly dues, and/or insist on the venue using their canned music. We have several small venues in my town (Read that, eensie teensie) and ASCAP came to one that was hosting local musicians who were coming in casually to share music, and intimidated the owner enough that she simply shut down the venue to musicians, which rather seems to defeat the purpose. But the point was taken, and now I myself want to focus on traditional music and original music. But gosh, there are some real beauties out there and it seems a shame to penalize live music, especially unpaid live musicians, for playing beautiful songs to people who are willing to leave their CD players and sit with other live people. IMHO. Sidney