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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Uncle Jaque August Shanty Session at the Press Room (43) RE: August Shanty Session at the Press Room 08 Aug 03

Domestic Management was hoping to spend the weekend up at our "new" Camp site on Berry Pond in Winthrop, but the forecast is for more of the same soggy weather apparently, so alternative plans might be an option.

One of our little "Wooly Boogers" (Yorkshire Terrier / Toy Poodle mutts) has been ailing and is spending the night in Doggie-Hospital.
The Vet doesn't think that it's anything serious but she is dehydrated and on I.v..

Then on the return trip from the Vet's, the brakes on "Old Red" the Plymouth Voyager Dump Wagon faded and the red "BRAKE!" light came on... so Sat. is shaping up to be complicated.

So as much as I desire to attend one of these Press Room things, it's looking like a real looooooong shot!

"Billy the Bus";
   I don't know about any relation between Cpt.Stevens BUNKER and the Whaling Cpt. you mention - but I would be really surprised if he didn't know about him!

Cpt. "Bunk" is a virtual walking encyclopedaiea on Nautical History, Military History, and a wide spectrum of other subjects. In the fine old art of Story-Telling he is expert, and can keep you spellbound for hours with his tales from an extensive and colorful personal experience or History.

   He is, without a doubt, the most interesting man I am currently acquainted with, and I feel quite priviledged to know him - not to mention living in reasonable proximity!

"Bunk" and/or his First Mate Sharon are known to check in to these threads from time to time, and might respond directly to your inquery.

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