The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61817   Message #1000067
Posted By: Billy the Bus
11-Aug-03 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: August Shanty Session at the Press Room
Subject: RE: August Shanty Session at the Press Room
So put that up your pipe and smoke it, eh, Charlie. Pleased you had a jolly fine time. Sorry I wasn't there with a Kiwi-Kontri or two. Will post a variant of "T'me Way Hey Hey" that I knocked up in the 70s to explain shore whaling terms to the kids in my 'musical history lesson' at the Tautuku OEC. Must post some other local ones I used too. There's a sawmilling one, which again explains terminology, and a couple written by a local Bullocky, "Kangaroo Bill" Wells, in the late 30s. One was a local version of "The Old Bullock Dray", the other "The Wreck of the Manuka". At the moment I'm just busy enough, writing up background notes for Peter Cape's "Taumarunui".

Cheers - Sam