The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62016   Message #1000204
Posted By: smallpiper
11-Aug-03 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: Drugs menace ..Are we to blame?
Subject: RE: Drugs menace ..Are we to blame?
Actually H is inexpensive. The problem in usage comes because of the way that it is cut (mixed with outher substances) - the poorer the quality the more you need to get the same high or in the case of most addicts to feel normal, therefore the more cash you need to raise to fund your habit. Accidental overdoses occur when supplies of unusual purity hit the streets. This is often (but not always) caused (ironically) by police action, people need to get rid of their supplies quickly so they don't cut it as much and the result is obvious to all and tradgic for many.

There are also a lot of myths about drugs and crime. According to an article in "Monkey" magazine (a self help mag produced by users and ex-users for users and ex-users in the UK), they used the UK Gov's own stats on drug use and crime in producing the article. They claim that; if the amount of crime being blamed on H users (not just adicts) was actually carried out by said users then there would be no H users because they would be to busy committing crimes to have any time left to use H.

If you really want to help drug users you can do so by talking to them and find out what it is they want, as an alternative to their current lifestyles, as an alternative to current treatments and then empower them to do something about it. But without the will from the powers that be to support any kind of action then you're screwed before you start.