The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62034   Message #1000804
Posted By: Fiolar
12-Aug-03 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: The David Kelly Investigation
Subject: RE: The David Kelly Investigation
I'm afraid that I am getting a bit tired about all the coverage on TV and in the papers about the late Mr Kelly,and the many who slag off the Labour Party. Unless Mr Kelly was assaassinated in some dastardly secret service plot, I must assume the man went ahead and took his own life. Did he think for a moment of the pain and anguish this would bring on his family. God knows it's bad enough if a person dies naturally and as a former nurse I have had my share of grieving relatives to comfort. Regarding the fuss about the economy, I must admit that personally I think that life for a great number of people has never been better. For example single pensioners now get a £200.00 fuel allowance each year, cheap bus fares and clothes, food and other items can be had at a fraction of former prices providing one looks around. Give me a break.