The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #1001145
Posted By: Gypsy
12-Aug-03 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
coming back in late in the thread but........

"Not to beat a dead horse, but blue collar work in CA is begging for warm bodies of any kind. More work and prosperity than people can handle. Only a few white collar types see it otherwise. Education, government, labor, farming, ranching, service industries, construction, dope growing, movies, porno, etc. etc. etc. All booming in CA. Only problem is cost of housing. "

PDQ, i don't know where you are, but where i am, ALL jobs are in short supply. And the few available, are a fraction above minimum wage. Of course, i am in NORTHERN CA. don't know much about SO CA. As for teaching positions, fully 70% of teachers in my county have been shorted by 50% in hours, if not laid off. Think mebbe you should check on facts a little more.