The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61738   Message #1001195
Posted By: George Seto -
13-Aug-03 - 01:12 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: I am a little beggerman, woman from mabo
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I am a little beggerman, woman from mabo
Yes, I have fond memories of John Allan singing that when I was young. As Sandy said, he changed it to be from Mabou from Wexford/Dublin/Belfast. Here are some of the threads for DT#344, along with the DT's 6 versions

AuldMan and the Churnstaff
Tipping It Up to Nancy
Eggs & Marrowbones 1
Johnny Sands
Eggs & Marrowbones 3
Eggs & Marrowbones 4 /Old Woman From Dublin
Old Woman From Wexford
Old Woman From Wexford
Eggs and Marrowbones
Old Lady From Belfast