The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #1002167
Posted By: Bill D
14-Aug-03 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
I have been trying to find a way, for a while now, to state clearly my concern that Republicans, (the arch-conservative wing, anyway), have developed a strategy intended to change the very structure of government and elections and the juducial process to ensure that they will always and forever control the direction and character of this country...(and thus, of many other countries also!)

This they do out of conviction that they are somehow morally right to do so. We see some Muslims conducting suicide bombings because they are SURE they are justified and are only fighting what is self-evidently evil for them. When any group believes its purpose and goals are somehow righteous and unassailable, then almost ANY way to those goals becomes acceptable.

The Democrats/liberals...most of them...barely comprehend the mindset they are up against. They want to win elections and have THEIR agenda in place also, but part of their agenda is to leave others alone unless they break laws or endanger others..etc.. Serious conservatives do not INTEND to leave others alone! They want you to either think like them, or have no power.

We have seen people voting Republican, who used to vote Democratic sometimes, because they are inundated with carefully chosen single-issue campaigns. You get a few votes against abortion, a few against gun control, a few against 'big government', a few in favor of cutting taxes...etc...and pretty soon you have some unusual demographics..but JUST enough votes to get Republicans into the driver's seat! And once there, we see re-districting, new court appointments, new 'security rules' which slowly erode our privacy, changes and weaker enforcement of environmental law, more influence by churches (the 'right' churches) in public affairs and LOTS more loud, brash, glib right-wing talk show hosts assailing the 'liberal' press and allowing very little difference of opinion to be aired....except when they need a foil they think they can intimidate. (Does anyone watch Joe Scarbourough on MSNBC?????)

Whatever happens in California, it is almost certainly to advance the Republican agenda a bit more, even if Ahhnold is not 'exactly' what they want...this time.

Boy, I hope Mudcat is still here 10-15 years from now..(all 143 gigs of it..*grin*), so I can revive this thread and say..."...see!"