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Thread #61801   Message #1002210
Posted By: GUEST
14-Aug-03 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
I agree BillD. Although it has already happened with the judiciary, especially at the national level. That is how the Republicans managed their bloodless coup in 2000, without a peep from the mainstream media or the Democratic party.

But we must also remember, that Democratics have done the same when they were in power. Thing is, the contemporary technologies have now legitimized and institutionalized government graft and corruption so it may well be nigh on impossible to stop it. Which means we just need to find another way than the electoral process of getting rid of the corrupt politicians and repealing and overturning the laws they passed to legalize the contemporary graft and corruption they and their corporate cronies have benefitted so much from in the last half of the 20th century.

Historians aren't going to look too kindly on the post-WWII US political system. Not at all. And when we do look back on the last 50 or so years, we can see the greatest threats to the nation and our democratic political system, have come from the Republicans. I don't know why that doesn't sink in with people. From the McCarthy era to the Watergate era to the Bush 9/11 era, it has been the Republican party that has been the worst for the common welfare.

The worst that truly can be said about Democrats is they get caught with their whores in comprimising positions too often--like Wilbur Mills and the fountain, JFK with Marilyn, Clinton with Monica, etc.

I much prefer the latter to the gutting of the Bill of Rights. Nothing pisses off the contemporary neocon, take no prisoners Republicans more than the Bill of Rights.