The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #1002242
Posted By: Don Firth
14-Aug-03 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
BillD and GUEST, this is exactly my concern. We get so dazzled by the fancy footwork, the fireworks, and the foolishness that we don't notice the dark uniforms slipping into the back of the room.

The "election" in 2000, the bogus, off-season attempt to redistrict Texas, and now this California farce. All of this seems, to most reasonable people, as the height of stupidity and an exhibit of general stumble-bum-ism, but if the RepubliNeoCons bring these Machiavellian machinations off, they will pretty much have the country sewed up on into the forseeable future.

As someone once said, "Don't bother to examine the details of a folly, just ask yourself what it accomplishes."

Don Firth