The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62137   Message #1002790
Posted By: GUEST,Len Wallace
15-Aug-03 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: Freedom Come All Ye, need translation
Subject: Freedom Come All Ye, need translation
Hello Mudcitions,

One of the songs I have come to love is Hamish Henderson's "Freedom Come All Ye". Problem is there are a few lines I have not been able to translate.

(Hamish Henderson)

Roch the wind in the clear days dawin
Blows the cloods heelstre-gowdie ow'r the bay


But there's mair nor a roch wind blawin
Through the great glen o' the warld the day.
It's a thocht that will gar oor rottans

"gar oor rottans"?

A' they rogues that gang gallus, fresh and gay

"A' they rogues that gang gallus"?

Tak the road, and seek ither loanins
For their ill ploys, tae sport and play.


Many thanks for the help.

For music that'll ne'er dee,

Len Wallace