The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12589   Message #100288
Posted By: cathy
28-Jul-99 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: Know Any Decent Bluegrass Songs?
Subject: RE: Know Any Decent Bluegrass Songs?
Three years ago I could only take so much bluegrass. It's an acquired taste. Now it is all I want to listen to. I've been to lots of jams, some claim to be luegrass but every one does old country. the jam I go to now is all bluegrass and very congenial. What I think bg jammers like is the familiarity of the songs. If you want people to hate you, go to a jam and offer to sing "something I wrote". The lyrics are not the important part - its the instrumental breaks that are important. Not many take seriously the "marry me or I'll kill you" lyrics. Bluegrass is a culture to be learned. Keep an open mind. Stop whining. You'll get no sympathy.