The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61708 Message #1003246
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
16-Aug-03 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine)
Subject: RE: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine
Aunt Mahtha' & me is plannin' t' come around 4-ish.
I'm fixin' to make up a bowl of my hardly World-Famous but generally palatable multi-bean salad; is there anything else we can bring along to contribute to the comfort, safety, or amusement of the assembled throng?
If anyone would like me to throw in the "toy" (58 caliber 2":1' scale model Civil War Parott rifle Field Piece) Cannon or .69 cal. smoothbore flintlock "Pirate pistol" with which to fire the occasional salute, let me know!
We've been doing a lot more outhouse building than playing music lately, so might be a bit rusty - but anxious to see & hear y'all again! Save us a piece of deck, lawn, or whatever we can clamber aboard!