The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61708   Message #1003557
Posted By: Jeri
17-Aug-03 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine)
Subject: RE: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine)
Traffic was terrible going up but coming down was a breeze. Jaque, I did recognize you, I just had to think about it. First you get a haircut, then you go to a face frame type of facial fur. Anyway, good food, good songs and good stories, and it was great to see people I hadn't seen for a while.

Landlady's Daughter - I listened to the CD all the way home. There are a few skips, but you gave me far more than I needed, so THANK YOU!!!

Capt Bunker asked me if I wanted to shoot that musket. What's the point if you can't put a hole in the neighbor's barn?! (I know: "Big BOOM!")

A guy (I never found out his name) had a 00-21 Martin. A repro of an early model that had a with the pegs in a diagonal line instead of 3 on each side. He said he called Martin and they searched the warehouse until they found the last guitar of that type. Nice guitar!