The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49150   Message #1003576
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
17-Aug-03 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: instruments: left v right?
Subject: RE: instruments: left v right?
Blues=life, I hope you are still checking this thread.

I'm supposedly a left-handed person. I write with my left hand and do any other really delicate operation with it, such as embroidering or putting a contact lens in my eye. I'm sure the reason for this is that my right eye is so near-sighted that when I was little, I couldn't see clearly what my right hand was doing. So I used the left hand.

However, I do many other things right-handed, especially if they involve large muscles - bat, throw, play tennis, dig with a trowel. I can saw wood and screw a screw either way. I play guitar and piano right-handed. I didn't have to force it, it came naturally.

People like me, who show mixed use, are far more common than those who are consistently left-handed. (The truly left-handed tend to be male.)

I read in a book that if a so-called leftie curls her wrist towards herself when writing, then she has a right-hander's brain. Don't ask me how they knew. It's true for me, and I expect it's right.

To sum up, watch your daughter in a lot of activities. Is she a true leftie, or does she switch hands a lot? Don't push into left-handedness just because she writes that way.