The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61708 Message #1003789
Posted By: Bat Goddess
17-Aug-03 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine)
Subject: RE: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine
It's really great that we'll be invited back! I don't think we made too much of a mess or broke too many things -- singing can do that, ya know.
Thanks to Sharon and Bunker -- what a great music party place! And where, exactly did that vertibrae just outside the barn come from?
Glad I got Bunker on tape about the Regina Maris -- I'm working on something; be talking to ya.
Charlie -- glad you liked it! Kinda tacky, but cool none the less -- and with a rubber squid! '42 was a good year!
Uncle Jaque -- sorry I didn't get more of a chance to talk to you -- send to my yahoo address, as we're having cable access problems right now. Same name, just
Jets -- I wish I had OUR conversation on tape -- you've got a book in ya! (And can I copyedit it?)
Pat, if you check in, contact me for the time being at my name This cable hassle is a real aggro.
Sharon -- thanks so much! It was a WONDERFUL party!!! Wish we could have stayed longer -- Tom will be in touch re: all the stuff he and Bunker talked about. For everybody else's information -- among other things, Bunker is now the proud owner of the Wheatstone English system concertina that Curmudgeon sold some years ago. You've got a grand location! The barn is a gem! Almost too busy looking around to start singing! (But starting the singing is what I did -- leading off with "Madam Gashay" since no one else seemed to want to kick 'er off.)
We had a lovely time -- wish we could have stayed longer and wish we could have returned to no broadband internet problems.