The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49150   Message #1004006
Posted By: Blues=Life
18-Aug-03 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: instruments: left v right?
Subject: RE: instruments: left v right?
leeneia, yes, I'm still here. Interesting imput. I'll have to watch her write. My daughter is almost 10 years old, and she does some things using a dominant right (ie, kicks a soccer ball right footed) but for the most part she seems to be a lefty. Doesn't really matter as pertains to guitars, as she has shifted her focus to violin. She loves to watch video's of Nickle Creek just to see her favorite violin player. She starts lessons soon, so I guess I'll learn more about this instrument quickly.
Peter: I'm right handed and shoot a rifly lefty. Has nothing to do with hands, and everything to do with eyes. I'm left eye dominant, and taught myself to shoot lefty. Anything I can look at left and do right (shooting pool comes to mind) I will still do right handed, but I just could never get my left eye over the sights holding it right handed.