The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61708   Message #1004210
Posted By: Charley Noble
18-Aug-03 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine)
Subject: RE: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine)

You did well with "Madam Gashay." It's true, there were a lot of singers hanging around doing cocktail chatter, or just gazing at the assembly of nautical artifacts. Of course there's more stuff in the storage lockers, and below the barn and in its loft. And we haven't even mentioned what's in the house.

Now I need to go back and collect a few items I left behind, the double card table, the Blue Peter flag and the Gurage croquet mallet (there's a story!).

Sharon and Bunker said they had a really good time co-hosting this party. Here's to the co-hosts!

Charley Noble