The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62209   Message #1004369
Posted By: Peg
18-Aug-03 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wiping the memories from a house
Subject: RE: BS: Wiping the memories from a house
on a somewhat practical level but also a very personal and spiritual one....

One can perform cleansing rites in a home one is leaving or coming into. Salt, rosemary, and lavender are traditional herbs for cleansing energy (whether of banishment or renewal). You can sprinkle them about and then sweep them up. Some people like to burn incense too, smudging sage leaves or other ingredients. Ringing bells in corners and at openings (windows, doors) supposedly helps drive away negative energy and awaken positive. Such a ritual can be as unique as the individual doing it..but with something as big as leaving a house, or moving into a new home, it is good to do something to mark the occasion...
