The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62194   Message #1004630
Posted By: Bill D
19-Aug-03 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: 2003 FSGW Getaway - Travelers Needs
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - Travelers Needs
" Of course, what passes for beer there has always been questionable."

..."there"?? we have LOTS of 'there' *grin*...and if you look about a bit, Willie-O, you will find we have beer & ale to suit any taste. Not every brand/type in every little store, but ever since New Albion Brewery in 1977, the quality and variety has been rising. Baltimore, right near the Getaway, has some wonderful brewerys and brewpubs.

And for those who had their tastebuds shot off in the Crimean war, yes, we still have swill of the type put out by Miller & Budweiser..

any chance you'll be here again, Willie-O?...