The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62121   Message #1004869
Posted By: Bill D
19-Aug-03 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where Were You/Lights Went Out?
Subject: RE: BS: Where Were You/Lights Went Out?
I probably shouldn't post this , but

I just read this thread beyond my own early post for the first I read, I reacted much like Ron did to Greg F's posts. I'm glad I waited. My thoughts go somewhat along the lines of:

"Why make light of real problems, just because there are worse problems elsewhere?"
Some people(especially elderly folks) DID suffer from lack of AC, water, transportation..etc...and the fact (and it is a fact) that others in the world have it worse, should not trivialize the matter. In Iraq and Afghanistan, people died when deprived of water & health care...but do we have to have lots of deaths before we recognize it as a problem?

There are problems, serious problems, VERY serious problems...etc...and the fact that we lucked out and only had isolated instances of 'serious' should serve to give us some perspective about what VERY serious could be, and help us plan better and appreciate how lucky we are...but should not be greeted with the condescending ridicule Greg resorted to.

(sat and re-read this for several minutes trying to decide whether to poosha da 'submit' button)....maybe it just helped ME to get it off my chest, 'cause I'm sure it won't change any minds.

*Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread*