The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62209   Message #1004966
Posted By: SINSULL
19-Aug-03 - 09:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wiping the memories from a house
Subject: RE: BS: Wiping the memories from a house
The people who owned my house before me lived in it for over 40 years. They raised their children, dealt with serious illnesses, and the death of a child. At the closing, the wife sat and cried. I felt like a momnster taking her home away.

After the closing, I went in the back door and felt as if I were sneaking around in someone else's house. I started to talk to it - neighbors must have thought I was nuts. Mostly I wanted it to know that I intended to be happy there too.

Just before I moved my things in, I opened a closet and noticed that only two walls and the ceiling were painted. A flashlight soon revealed the back wall and side were covered with signatures and happy notes from people over the years celebrating birthdays, a wedding, etc. That closet will never be painted while I live in the house. In fact, I expect to continue the tradition and fill another wall with happy memories.

The house and I have come to terms. I find peace inside.
