The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62209   Message #1005072
Posted By: GUEST,ShelleyC at work
20-Aug-03 - 03:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wiping the memories from a house
Subject: RE: BS: Wiping the memories from a house
Katlaughing wrote 'I still talk to this house, even though its been torn down'. That's very important - it shows that the memories are in your head and your heart, even when you have to move on.

Recently, I came home to find that there had been a fire in the flat below mine. Everyone from the block had been evacuated while the fire was put out. Luckily, no-one was hurt and no lasting damage done. But it made me realise just how easily I could have lost my entire home and possessions.

This would have been a hugely distressing experience - but I hope I would have been able to move on, cherishing the memories in my head. You can take those with you wherever you go.

Best wishes