The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62194   Message #1005938
Posted By: Charlie Baum
21-Aug-03 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: 2003 FSGW Getaway - Travelers Needs
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - Travelers Needs
The Registration Form is almost ready to post, though it needs a little tweaking. Prices are the same as last year, though the Shellback Chorus members get a substantial discount. (One of the last details is to work out logistics to see if they can pay in pounds to a central place, rather than all having to deal with conversion from pounds to U.S. dollars.) The address to which you send it has changed, however.

The page noted above will bring you to many details about the FSGW Getaway. Please don't download and use the 2002 registration form--the address to which you send it has changed this year, as we have a new registrar.

The Special Guest list also needs updating. We've invited the Missing Persons Soup Kitchen Gospel Quartet (who now bill them themselves simply as Soup Kitchen) and Kendall Morse. we're waiting to hear a response form several other special guests as well.

I will mention to the camp about making sure brooms and mops and buckets are avaialble.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Getaway.

--Charlie Baum