The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #1006229
Posted By: Kelly
21-Aug-03 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
The bulk of her views circle around the economy, as she holds a Masters degree in Economics from Cambridge.

She's ardently against tax breaks for corporations, proposing a full closure of corporate tax loopholes and a reduction/illimination on state-oriented tax shelters. (Despite reports to the contrary, Ms. Huffington has released her tax returns and full financial records to the public. (Arnold was vague and avoided a similar request). I, myself heard her earnings, spending and taxation on Bill Maher last night hehe)

She proposes stricter regulation of commercial property assessment, in effect increasing commercial property taxes to allow a reduction for homeowner's property taxes. (Commercial prop. taxes used to contribute 14% of the state's revenue, and currently contribute 8%)

She is strongly in favor of reducing proposed budget increases in the state prison system, in favor of boosting the budget for school construction/revitalization and book/supply purchases.

Pro-Choice. Across the board.

She supports a full moratorium on capital punishment, citing reasons such as racial disparity in sentencing, and numerous overturned guilty verdicts demonstrating the presence of a number of innocent citizens on death row.

She fully supports full rights for same-sex marriages, including medicare, insurance, family leave, taxation, credit and other benefits afforded to heterosexual couples.

She stresses the undeniable need for a "sane energy policy that protects the environment, stresses fuel efficiency, and invests in clean and renewable energy," and personally owns a hybrid car (that being her only vehicle).

She supports unions and especially local living-wage ordinances (Such as is present in Santa Monica, CA which pays $9+ min-wage per hour to standard hourly workers, and $5.25 min-wage per hour to tipped workers (who in other states average 2.35 per hr)

She supports affirmative action, stating that racism continues to play a powerful role in this country and that A.Action helps to level the playing field.

She opposes Prop 54, (Racial Privacy Initiative), which would prevent the state from collecting racial/ethnic data and she believes such a prop' would allow racial discrimination to continue, only now with no traceable papertrail by which to track and prosecute it. As well as hindering community-need assistance, such as additional sickle-cell anemia treatment in predominantly African-American communities.

She (a greek immigrant) supports immigrant rights including driver's licenses which is apparently a key issue in the state INS dept. But I'm not certain how she defines the disparity between legals and illegals, and the rights afforded each group.

Hope that helps! (And sorry for a lengthy post, butcha asked for it! :) )