The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #1006242
Posted By: NicoleC
21-Aug-03 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
There's a silver lining to this dark cloud. They are expecting one of the highest voter turnouts EVER in California for the recall election, on the order of 85%!

Judging from the recent gubernatorial election, not that many people give a rat's behind about Davis, or they would have already voted him out.

Could it be -- just possibly -- that because the recall legislation is written so that because it eliminated the kind of ridiculous hurdles to running for public office normally seen, and because the pack of candidates is so huge, there are candidates on every point of the political spectrum?

There's a candidate for EVERYBODY! Nobody needs to hold their nose and make the kind of nasty choice you usually get between a sleezy professional Democrat and a sleezy professional Republican. I'm starting to believe, despite the ridiculousness of some of the candidates, that this is probably the first truly democratic election American has ever seen in the era of mass media. Maybe ever. Circus?   Maybe -- but damn, there's an actual CHOICE!

I can't WAIT to get the sample ballot with all the candidate's position statements. It should be fun reading!